1. Your favorite track?
"Valensole" - simple yet direct.
2. Tell us something about the making of this album; Instruments used, workflow, recording process.
I work nights and have been going to work early the last few months to make beats in my car. Don't know why. But a car is very peaceful and it was fullfilling when I'd complete one. For most the album I'd take the beat and record it with my digitech rp155. Instruments I used: LTD EC50 electric guitar, Po33. And an OP-1.
3. Your main musical instrument?
I've played guitar for the last 14 years and never really knew what to do with it. The Po33 was something special because I found a way to use my theory knowledge from guitar and made my own sound with it. I love music because it's an escape and a therapeutic session all in one.
4. Your music influences?
"Polyphia" is my favorite band of all time. But I like lofi too. "Arbour" and "Panda" coast are very special to me.
5. A movie you really like?
"Sirius disclosure", "Unacknowledged" - anything to do with the extraterrestrial hypothesis.
6. How long did this album take you to finish, and what did you enjoy the most while working on it?
This album took about 9 months. I really enjoyed hearing them get better and better.
7. Is there anything else you would like us to know about?
I owe alot to the Instagram community. Never would have seen a Po33 if it wasn't for that app. Always encouraging and I owe it to my followers and friends for the motivation.
Trevor Cox
A QUIET PLACE - Andrea Milana
1. Your favorite track?
"Pure". It is the one which started the whole project, and the one which reflects most the spirit of the album.
2. Tell us something about the making of this album; Instruments used, workflow, recording process.
I built my own music scenarios inside Musyc, an inspiring little iOS App which I really like. Using my own samples along with stock sounds, I recorded a few live sessions, then picked the ones I liked most. I also used a Digitakt to add randomness to certain musical elements in the tracks. I did several runs of the mixdowns through an SP-404A sampler, to use its internal effects (Chorus, Reverb, Ring Mod, Delay and Vinyl Sim and some EQ), live tweaking each effect at a time while re-sampling the whole track inside the SP-404 itself. Once happy with the result I loaded each track's mixdown to Cubase Essential and added some new musical elements such as strings (ELZ_1) and sound effects (thunderstorm, rain, cars passing by etc...). I loved the whole creative process especially because of the limited number of devices involved.
3. Your main musical instrument?
4. Your music influences?
I listen to a lot of different music genres and artists, but if I were to mention my favorites while growing up, these would be Vangelis, Pink Floyd, Queen, Depeche Mode, Nick Drake.
5. A movie you really like?
"Blade Runner" (1982)
6. How long did this album take you to finish, and what did you enjoy the most while working on it?
It took around six months to finish. I did enjoy using just a few sounds and see how unpredictably these would interact with each other at times, because of the semi-generative music approach.
7. Is there anything else you would like us to know about?
In the past few years I removed almost all of my music from the web, because I wanted to start fresh. Now I'm taking the time to rearrange most of my projects, so I will be releasing more music soon; old and new.
Andrea Milana
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